Sunday, December 18, 2011


Well, I did a post yesterday, but I never shared it anywhere so nobody probably saw it which is good because nothing in it actually happened. I got home from work and Chris said, "Change your clothes, we are going to my parents for dinner." So we went there to eat dinner and we were there until about 9 p.m. so by the time we got home, I really didn't feel like working out. We just stayed up late and watched Pretty Woman. Tonight we will have the beef & broccoli and go workout! I promise!!! haha :)

My birthday is in 45 days and I still want to lose about 20 pounds. hmmm... I think I better get started on this a little harder. I just keep telling myself that slow weight loss is lasting weight loss. Sure, I could probably lose it a lot faster if I didn't eat pizza or cookies, but I really don't like to deprive myself. My problem is I just need to learn when I am full. When I am eating the filling foods, I can usually tell that I am full.

Tuesday, we are having a soup luncheon at work and each property is making a crock pot of soup and a cookie tray. Our property is making chili so I will probably just eat that since I know what is in it and it is considered a filling food (because of the ingredients). I think I want to make some Oreo balls. Everyone loves Oreo balls. I think I might make the mint ones :) They are my favorite though so maybe that isn't a good idea! haha :) I just really feel like making some Christmas goodies! I haven't made anything yet and I keep seeing the ingredients for stuff when I go to the grocery store. Maybe I will make extras and take them up to my mom & dad's for Christmas.  My goal is to be really good all week and then Christmas will be a splurge day for me :)

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