Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What a Week!

I have had a lot of set backs this week! I can't seem to make it to boot camp, so I have decided that I am not going to plan to go the rest of the week and start fresh on Monday! I have been feeling very sleep deprived this week and I need my sleep. I haven't even been out to run! I couldn't tell you the last time I got out to do that! How terrible is that?!?!

There is an app that I just downloaded to my phone called Lose It! Thanks to Katie, I have started using it and it is so much fun! I love scanning things! I told her that I feel like I work at the grocery store :) haha. So it is a really cool app and here is why...You put in your current weight, you put in your goal weight and then you say how many pounds you want to lose per week. The most it will do is 2 since anything over that is not recommended. It tells you the date that you will reach your goal. Then it tells you how many calories you get to eat per day. That is where the scanning comes can scan your everyday foods you eat that have bar codes to put them into your device! I love it! You can also record by looking foods up. There is a very extensive restaurant selection so even if you eat out, you can see how many calories you are eating! You can also do this online at if you don't have a smart phone. I have done both and have them linked. Right now I am counting my calories and doing points just to see how it all plays out. Next week, I think I will try to just do Lose it and not do points and see how WW turns out! haha :) If it works, I think I may cancel WW and save $40 a month!

Weigh in is just around the corner and I am a little scared of it this week since I haven't been working out. I am still counting my points as I mentioned earlier, but I am already out of flex points for the week and it is only Wednesday! Wish me luck for the rest of the week!!! :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

5 Meals 1 Bag

Wow! It's been a little while since I have posted! :) I guess I was taking a break just like I did with my exercising! I have been slacking!!! I have stuck to WW though and I am back to boot camp tomorrow morning. I have decided that I like to work out in the morning because then I have time to do stuff in the evenings!

I printed off a meal planner called 5 meals, 1 bag (or something like that) from and it is pretty neat. Tonight was our first night with it and the burgers were really good :) This meal planner gives you all the ingredients in a shopping list with 4 recipes and Friday is pizza night :) It made grocery shopping really easy and it is nice to know that I have all of the ingredients for yummy meals all week long!

Well, nothing else exciting has really happened since Saturday. I spent most of the day on the couch yesterday sleeping and watching TV. It was kinda nice though :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

5% Goal

What a way to start the day!!! I lost 1.2 pounds! It's about time I lose more than .2! haha! I have lost a total of 8.2 pounds. I am really happy! I also hit my 5% goal today, but I didn't know that until I got home. My daily points allowance went down 1 so now I get 30 per day.

I have a cold and it bothers me the most when I am sleeping at night and right away in the morning. I am really tired. I think I will take a little nap :) We don't have anything going on until later except laundry. We are doing Thanksgiving with Chris's parents around 4:30 so I get to eat another yummy meal. We are having ham at this one so it is nice that I don't have to eat turkey twice. I am undecided on the pie though. I guess I will see what kind there is before I make up my mind :)

Hopefully, everyone has a great Saturday!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm a Survivor

I made it through the Thanksgiving Day feast yesterday. I didn't even go back for seconds. I had 1 piece of apple pie with fat free cool whip and everything else I had planned to eat. After having supper I came out with a total of eating 37 points yesterday which is just 6 over my daily allowance :) I will take that. It's probably the healthiest I have ever eaten on a holiday!

I survived Black Friday shopping!!! We stood in line at Target from 10:30 p.m. until they opened the doors at midnight. The line seemed to go pretty fast even though we were wrapped all the way around the building. I got ran over by a granny on a motorized shopping cart. Really!?! Good thing I had the luggage that Brenda was buying between me and her cart! After Target, we went to the mall. We didn't even park in the mall parking lot! It wasn't that far to walk. It was actually better than driving around for 20 minutes to find a parking spot. We were there by 2 a.m. and we went to a few different stores. We actually all purchased the same jeans at Maurice's. They were really cute so we couldn't pass them up. I didn't try them on and I got a couple sizes smaller than I normally do. I tried them on this afternoon and they don't fit, but they are a good motivation to keep up what I am doing. They go up, they just don't zip. I was kinda excited about the fact that I got them up over my butt!

We decided not to tailgate since we didn't get home until 5:20 a.m. I was tired!!! I was awake for almost 24 hours. I slept until 10 a.m. and woke up to a very stuffy nose. I took some cold medicine and tried to lay back down, but that didn't work so I stayed up and had some lunch. Then fell asleep on the couch while we were watching the Husker game. The nap was wonderful!!!

Tomorrow is weigh in and I have stepped on my scale and I am not seeing a difference in my weight again. I tried to make the adjustments and eat more protein and add a few more points in each day I work out. I just don't know what else to do! It is getting really frustrating and hard to stay motivated when you don't see the results on the scale. I guess I will just keep doing what I am doing and hopefully I will get over this plateau soon!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

It could be a challenging day today with all they yummy food of Thanksgiving. BUT...I am going in armed with my tracker and my measuring cups! haha :) I just got done with my workout for the day. It wasn't nearly as intense as boot camp, but it was still good. I even did push-ups and knee to elbow crunches!!! I can really feel those crunches and I am getting way better at push-ups! I did 20 in a row touching my chest to the floor. It got really hot in my apartment with the oven on. I had to open the patio door a little bit. It looks like it is going to be a really nice day so maybe we can go out for a walk after lunch!

So, the turkey is in the oven and the only thing I have left to bake is the pumpkin pie! It should be easy since it is coming straight from the freezer section of the grocery store! haha :) Right now I am watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and it seems like they do a lot more talking than they used to! It is really boring and I think I might change the channel! I don't remember it this way. They are hardly showing any of the floats and balloons! Grrr!

OK, well I am going to go check on the turkey and eat something for breakfast. I hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving filled with food, family & friends :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Woohoo Wednesday!!! Thanksgiving Eve :)

Yay! Today is the last day of work for the week! No sleeping in tomorrow though! I have a turkey to make!!! Wish me luck! It has been a while since I have made one! I need to get a pan to cook it in 1st! haha :) I am going to bake my pies tonight!

I could not get to sleep last night. I think I was awake to see every hour hit on my alarm clock!!! It made it a little tough to get up at 5 a.m. to get to boot camp, but I made it! Thank goodness! It was an awesome workout this morning! Just what I needed for a long weekend. I have to get my run or my 10 Minute Trainer videos in tomorrow while my turkey is cooking. I think should be able to find time in the 3-4 hours it has to cook. I have my meal all planned out for tomorrow so hopefully I can stick to it! I have to because weigh in is on Saturday and I really want to see some good results this week. It is about time I start shedding some pounds. I know I am gaining muscle, but everyone who has been following my blog knows that I am in this to get lose weight and get healthy!

Tomorrow night I am going shopping starting at 10:30 p.m. Yikes! I don't know how I got roped into this one! Thanks Brenda :) LOL! JK :) It will be fun. Hopefully we get some good deals. I really don't have plans to buy anything, but you just never know if you are gonna find that unbeatable deal you just can't live without! haha! Then it is off to tailgate at on Friday morning. I really hope I can make it through the day.

I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!!! Be safe if you are traveling!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just for you Michelle :)

Michelle called me out because I hadn't posted yet today. haha! So this one is just for her AND everyone else that was missing it today :)

Today has been a good day. I didn't workout as planned but it's OK. I worked all day and someone brought lemon bars into work. Mmmm...I love lemon bars so I couldn't resist. I had to cut out my 2 afternoon snacks, but I got to enjoy something I don't get all the time :) I was surprised that they were only 3 points each!  I did have 1 1/2 :) Chris and I had some errands to run tonight after I got off work so we went to Applebee's for dinner. I had a steak and it was delish. It was still in my points though I had 18 left for the day and my meal was 15. I had a little bit of the spinach & artichoke dip and it was good, but I didn't eat very much of it.

My throat has been feeling a little funky today. Hopefully I'm not getting sick. I don't get sick often but when I do it hits me like a ton of bricks!!! I hope I can catch this one before it gets me! I have way to much planned for this weekend to be not be feeling good! I took some cold medicine and I am going to get to bed early. I have boot camp in the morning and need to be ready for it. I have been slacking in the running dept ever since I started boot camp. I guess I feel like I get so much better of a workout at boot camp than I do when I run. Ugh! I have such a hard time sticking to something! haha :) I guess I like variety! Plus it has gotten so cold outside it makes it hard to run out there. And as you know, I hate the treadmills. It is just way to boring for me!!! I will be running this weekend as it is a 4 day weekend and there isn't any boot camp until Monday. Boo :(

Monday, November 21, 2011

Good Morning Monday

What a wonderful Monday morning! I sure hope everyone else is having as good of a morning as I am. I went to bed early last night and was able to get up bright and early at 5 A.M. for boot camp. Another great workout! Sarah and I were the only ones there and we worked out extra hard :) It just feels so good to work so hard. It doesn't even take that long. It actually goes really fast-1 minute of burpees or squats feels like forever, but the entire workout goes really fast! I think that's why I like it so much. Now, I am enjoying a nice post workout protein shake. That is just one way I am going to try to get in more protein this week :)

This weekend went wwwwwaaaaayyyyyy to fast! haha! Saturday I did pretty much nothing all day. Which was really nice. Yesterday was a nice relaxing day with the family. My little nephew Sam had his baptism so everyone was there and we had lunch at my sister's place. It was fun. Lots of good food. I wanted a piece of cake really bad on Saturday and I held out because I thought there would be cake. Sure enough there was! Yay!!! It was worth the wait!!!

Now, I just have to plan my strategy for Thanksgiving day! Glad I only have to eat at one place...I already have my tracker filled out for the day so hopefully I can stick to what is planned. Maybe I should take my measuring cups with me to lunch! haha! My family won't care :) The other problem that I will be encountering is Friday--late night/early morning shopping and tailgating! Then weigh in on Saturday! Yikes!!! I think I can do it though :) I will just have to drink lots of water and keep in mind that I have weigh in the next morning!!!  Then there is lunch on Saturday, which I'm not as worried about because I will have weighed in already and it is the start of a new week! 

Only 3 days of work this week! Makes me want to do a happy dance! haha!!! I keep seeing all these commercials on TV for holiday stuff. I like the Target ad where the lady is practicing up for her Black Friday shopping! The other one I like is Edible Arrangements. Mostly because the fruit covered in chocolate looks so good! Oh and there is the Hallmark one where the little girl is counting down the days until Christmas. Super cute!
OK everyone! Have a wonderful Monday and stay warm! It is cold out there right now, but I think it is supposed to get a little warmer :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Experimantal Week Ahead

It was weigh in day and I only lost .4 lbs. REALLY... .4??? Ugh!!! I worked so hard this week and that's all I get??? What a bummer! After talking to the WW leader about what I was doing and what might be going wrong, we came to the conclusion that maybe I should be eating more protein at every meal and I should also try eating some of my activity points. I don't necessarily need to eat all of them, but she said to try to add 2 or 3 points on the days I workout. I usually earn 8-10 points on days I do boot camp and 3 points for running/walking. It just depends on how long you workout and how intense the workout is. I guess I will give this a try this week. SO...This week is going to be an experimental week. It might be tough with my nephew's baptism, Thanksgiving and tailgating, but I think I can do it :)

It's hard to believe that a few months ago, I wasn't working out or eating good and now it just seems like a way of life. I feel so good and even though I am not losing the weight at the rate I would like to, I know it is possible and slow weight loss is more likely to be long lasting weight loss. One of these days, I am going to step on that scale and it will be where I want it.

I have chicken noodle soup cooking in the crock-pot for dinner! It smells amazing! It is so cold outside today. I think a nap may be in my near future :) Putting up my Christmas tree sounds kinda fun but I don't want to go outside in the cold to get it from the garage! haha :) At some point today, I need to do some crunches and push-ups. At boot camp he told us to do some of these over the weekend so that we aren't all sore again on Monday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Finally Friday :)

Another great workout at Fit4Lincoln boot camp this morning! There were only 2 of us there, but we worked just as hard if not harder!!! LOVE IT! I know I am getting a good workout when I feel like I could puke every time I leave. haha! Boy, I am sore!!!

I am really glad it is Friday...I get off at 2 P.M. today and really have no plans. I am ready for a day off from working out & work tomorrow! I have weigh in at WW and I am super excited about it. I have been tracking everything this week. I have only used 19 of my 49 weekly Points Plus extra points and I haven't used any of my activity points. If I stay the same this week, I am going to be pissed. But...I think if I stay the same, it is because I haven't been using all of my points each day! Well, I suppose I could start eating more :) I have never had a problem with that before, obviously...that's why I am doing WW in the first place! haha! Oh yeah, and I will be doing measurements as well!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not Sure What To Use For A Title Today

I think I should have used yesterday's title for today! I didn't go to boot camp this morning, but I did get out and do my Couch-to-5K plan run. I had to cut it short because for some reason I just kept having problems come up this morning with getting out the door...couldn't find stuff. First it was my gloves, then my hat, then my headphones, etc...REALLY!?! I need to get stuff ready the night before I think! haha.

I was planning on going to boot camp this morning, but I decided that I will just go tomorrow instead. Chris suggested that I go 3 times a week and do my running in between. I think it sounds like a good idea, so I am going to give that a try.

It was really cold out there this morning. As I was running out of our parking lot at the apartments, everyone was out scraping their car windows. There was a really thick frost on them!!! Kinda glad that I didn't go out at 5:30 a.m. I would have been mad if I had to scrape mine that early in the freezing cold 20 degrees!!!

I can't wait until Saturday morning for weigh in! I really hope that this week I have a loss!!! I did take my measurements last Saturday, so I will do that as well. I don't know if you should measure every week or if I should do that like every 2 weeks. I guess I will have to Google that to see what is best...Google is a girls best friend...I can find almost anything on there! LOVE IT!!! haha

Well, it is way past my normal time to get ready so I best be getting in the shower and ready for work!!! Have a good day everyone :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh...6 a.m. Boot Camp, How You Make Me Sore :)

I couldn't get to sleep last night after running so I was wide awake until at least 12:15 a.m.! Not good  when you have to get up so early. I Today was BOOT CAMP DAY! I did it!!! I was actually up at 5 a.m. and made it out the door by 5:30! WOW!!! Is all I can say! What a workout! I thought I was going to throw up. I never did, but I was searching in my car for cup or something just in case it happened on my way home...Thank goodness that it didn't. So anyway...the workout was really good! It was tough and I am sure I will be feeling it today! I was really glad that they weren't mean-they just told us what to do and it was a really good work out. They kept telling us by name we were doing good and they would tell you if you needed to do something differently. There were only 3 other girls in the class with me so they pay attention to everyone.I came home and had a protein shake and I will eat breakfast here in a few minutes. I just wanted to get my post up :) My tummy still feels a little funky, but maybe it is because I haven't eaten yet. Hopefully there aren't any deliveries today at work where I have to go up and down stairs! haha.

I am sure I will be zonked out by 9 tonight! haha! I guess that is good if I am going to get up and go tomorrow morning too. I got the 10 punch card, so I think I will take advantage of it and get some awesome results!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Tomorrow morning is going to come way to fast!!! I am not used to getting up at 5 a.m.! I have to be out the door by 5:30 a.m. for boot camp. I am really excited but at the same time scared. Tonight, I went out for my Couch-to-5K plan run/walk. I went 2.27 miles and it took me a little over 32 minutes. Supposedly, I am going to be able to run 3 miles in 30 minutes at the end of this thing...I guess I did start out walking for the 5 minute warm-up, so maybe that isn't too bad :)

Well, I am going to cut it short tonight. Not much exciting stuff has happened today and I need to get to bed early! Wish me luck and as always...I will let you know how it goes!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


This morning I was up at 5:45 a.m. with Chris. He leaves for work around 6. I wanted to be up early to make sure that I got the livingsocial deal today!!! It is a 10 Punch Card at Fit4Lincoln for just $20. There are several different classes you can take. I am going to test out the boot camp on Wednesday morning at 6. I figured if I just go once a week to boot camp that would be a really good way to learn some moves and get toned up. Running is good, but I really need to work on my upper body strength. Well anyway...after hitting the snooze button 5 times this morning, it should be interesting getting up and leaving by about 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday!  haha :) I know I can do it. I am really excited to go to a boot camp class. I have been wanting to try one for quite a while. This was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up. Even though I hit the snooze button this morning, I still made time to workout. I did my 10 Minute Trainer videos. I did 2 workouts for a total of 20 minutes. It really kicks your butt!!! I am sitting here still sweating and I have been done for about 10 minutes now. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Always a Bright Side

This weekend has gone so quick. It isn't much of a weekend when you have to work. Last night, I made a really yummy dinner for me and Chris. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and corn. It was so good! The chicken was boneless skinless thighs. Chris says it was better than good, it was great! :)

Tonight I wanted to have Chinese food. I told Chris to decide what he wanted while I went for my run. I got back and he had eaten a salad. So, no Chinese food for us. Oh well. I ran extra fast just so I could go get it sooner too! So, since I didn't get the Chinese food, I couldn't decide what to have for dinner since I had my heart set on it already. I still didn't go get it. Instead I just ate a turkey sausage dog on a bun. Then I had a bag of sour cream and onion chips.

I am in the process of baking some oatmeal raisin cookies for Chris to take to work. I have only ate 1. No more points left for the day, so no more!!! But it sure was good. See, if I would have had the Chinese food, I wouldn't have been able to have the cookie :) There is always a bright side.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bring It On

Weigh in at WW didn't go as planned AGAIN. I stayed exactly the same weight! I know I ate out a lot last week, but I still ran almost everyday and I tracked everything I ate! I guess I will look on the bright least I didn't gain. I have never had this much trouble losing before! After work today, I am going to measure my waist, hips, thighs & arms. Maybe then I won't feel so bad if I am not losing pounds, hopefully I am losing inches! I think my waist looks and feels a little smaller. Hopefully my eyes aren't deceiving me!!! :) I won't know the results of measurements until next week so really nothing to go off of, but that will just be another way for me to stay motivated.

I really wanted to stop for breakfast this morning, but I didn't! McDonald's was calling me. I did everything in my power to not go past one! I just made my way home to make a sandwich and grab stuff for lunch. I had a sandwich made for lunch already, but my husband stole it! :) I think he thought it was his because I never make sandwiches for myself the night before. It's ok. We had plenty of stuff to make another one. Glad time allowed me to make it. I had the sandwich for breakfast and I brought a turkey dog and bun for lunch. Usually, I just eat the turkey dog by itself, but I thought maybe the bun would be a good addition to it today :)

So, next weeks weigh in is going to be amazing! I just have this feeling. Today's weigh in is no longer going to get me down. I have my tracker out and I am ready for a new week...BRING IT ON!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Up Early

I was up early today! I went out in the cold...brrr! I wore a hat. Not only because it was cold, but my hair was really messy from sleeping. haha :) It was sooo bright out this morning so it was a good thing I stopped at my car to grab my sunglasses!!! Next time, I am going to wear gloves too! I went 2.4 miles this morning and it took me 34 minutes. I did the same program as last night. You are really supposed to wait a day between these workouts, but I just couldn't resist. I will probably do this same workout through next week so I will do it on Monday, Wednesday & Friday as well. The other days I can do something else.

I had my favorite thing for breakfast...Nutella on an English muffin with 2 turkey sausage links. Yum. I don't eat the sausage on the muffins if you are thinking that. I did try it once, but it wasn't so good. haha :)

I can't wait for weigh in tomorrow!!! I have to go to an earlier one since I have to work. Maybe I can get another workout in this evening. I like working out on Friday nights.

Well, I better go get ready for work. Stay tuned for results tomorrow!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Couch-to-5K ®

So, today I was introduced to the Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan by my friend Katie. It only takes 20-30 minutes per day 3 times per week and is a combination of running and walking. There is always a 5 minute brisk walk warm up then you do intervals. Tonight it was run for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds and you just keep doing that for 20-30 minutes. The crazy thing is...I went the same route that I normally go and it took me the exact same time! haha!!! I must normally run really slow!!! I programmed all of the workouts for this Couch-to-5K ® into Runkeeper on my phone, so it tells me when to change up what I am doing. It worked so good! It still tracked my time, calories burned, distance and map. So, with this program it says you should be able to run 3 miles (or 5K) on a regular basis in just 2 months. Here is the link if anyone else is interested in

I am so pleased with my eating habits today! It is already 8:30 p.m. and I still have 9 points left for the day and I gained extra points for working out. I normally don't eat my workout points because I am always scared I haven't figured points right throughout the week. We ate at a sushi/Chinese restaurant last night and I am sure I went overboard with my eating. When I got home I had a tummy ache so I watched a little TV then went to bed. SLACKER!!! Those days happen though. I was back on track today, that's what really matters. Finally, after eating out at least one meal every day this week, I have had a day without. Go me!!! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

85 Days To Go!!!

Yay! Today went so much better than yesterday. I still really had the urge to eat all day, but I controlled myself. At supper time, I still had 16 points left. I went to dinner with my sister and her boys at Applebee's. I don't really like any of their WW menu items and I had considered getting one of the 550 calorie & under meals, but the chicken fried chicken was calling me!!! I had figured out points for the items I was considering before I went which was a really smart move on my part. There was 32 points in the whole portion of the c-f-c. I asked for a box to come out with my meal and it was the 1st time I had ever done this. It really does help...outta sight, outta mind :)  Since I cut it in half, it was only 16 points! It fit into my points for the day perfectly!!! Plus, now I have supper for tomorrow...or lunch for Chris :)

I went to the fitness room to run on the treadmill. I went 20 minutes. That's all I could stand. I was getting bored, but I kept pushing myself to make it to 20 minutes and I even did some sprints to liven it up a little. I came home and did some weights. I need to start strengthening my back more. It is still kind of hurting.

I love the show I Used to Be Fat on MTV. I am seriously thinking of making a calendar that is a countdown to my birthday. Then everyday it is a reminder of how hard I am working and how hard I have to work to make this happen. Lets many days is it???  85 days...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Now I Know Why I Run At Night!

OMG! This being home and bored is terrible!!! I have been eating non-stop! I was only supposed to have a banana for dinner or something light, like a salad. So far I have had leftover hamburger helper, popcorn with Nutella on it (which I might say was pretty good) and cookie dough. I threw away what was left of the cookie dough so no more temptations there. I think I am done eating for the night though, because my tummy is hurting from it all now!

I think I will stick to running at night!!! Unless, I have something going on in the evening that will keep me busy!!! BACK ON TRACK TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! I know everyone always says that and I have been saying that all weekend, but I really have to or I will not see the results I want to see on Saturday!!! Which will put me way behind schedule!!! I still have 22.8 pounds to go!

Day Off

Today has been such a nice day off. I didn't have a ton of stuff to do around the apartment. I was up around 8:15 a.m. Watched some TV and played around on Facebook until about 10. Then I went for my run. I figured I had better get it done this morning while the weather was still decent. It is supposed to rain/snow this evening and into tomorrow.

I went to lunch with a friend today and kinda splurged again. It will be OK though. I just won't have much for dinner. I had an amazing BLT at Bisonwitches. I love that place :) It was really nice to catch up with her. It had been quite awhile since had seen each other.

After lunch, I made my way over to Target. I found some base layers for running in the cold. Hopefully, they will help keep me warm. I also got a new shirt and a cute scarf :) I just couldn't resist! haha!

Well, now I am going to just relax while some clothes are finishing up in the laundry.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Change

I was so happy that the time changed last night! It means I got an extra hour of sleep!!! I needed it too after going tailgating yesterday and staying out half the night having fun with friends. I was really off plan last night! Hopefully, I can make up for it this week. I will have to do my best! Lots of workouts and  really watching my food.

Today, my parents came by and we went out to lunch with them at Arby's. It was so good. I didn't really eat the healthiest of foods there. They do have these 5 Feel Good meals that you can choose from that are all under 500 calories. But I didn't chose to have have one of those. Now I wish I would have. I had the Ultimate Angus Philly and jalapeno bites! was good. I used 27 of my 31 points for this meal. That doesn't leave me much to work with for supper. Looks like it will be a banana at this rate. LOL :)

I feel like I could use a little cat nap. I think I just might do that. Then later go out for my jog.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Not What I Expected

I tried to send my blog from my phone, but obviously that didn't work! So here is what I was trying to say plus a little more I am sure...

Today's weigh in was not what I was expecting at all! I actually gained .2 lbs! I tracked all week and I worked out several times. It is really hard to understand. The WW leader said that I will probably just have a big loss next week. Which I am really hoping for!

My friend isn't feeling well, she thinks she might have the flu so we haven't gone tailgating yet. I am not going to go unless she goes. I hate driving in the traffic and trying to find a place to park. She is so much better at it than me. So, hopefully she starts feeling better, but if not that is OK too. I am just going to play it by ear today :)
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Friday, November 4, 2011

Week 2 Weigh in...

Tomorrow is weigh in already! I can't wait. I am so excited to see how I did this week. I can't believe I made it through Halloween week without even having a candy bar! Yes, I did splurge and have some treats here and there, but I didn't go overboard. Everything I ate I counted points for! I feel like I have really started to get this down. You would think after doing WW like 5 different times I would. From listening to people at WW meetings it sounds like everyone starts and stops and starts and stops...

I am going tailgating tomorrow. I am really excited since it will probably be the last time I go this football season. Hopefully, I don't go to crazy with eating out and having some drinks. There are so many points in alcohol it is ridiculous! Eating out never seems to be easy for healthy eating.

I ran again tonight and went 1.96 miles in about 27 minutes. That seems about average for me.Today at work we decided to have Runza. I surprised myself and I ordered the chicken strip kids meal. It was plenty of food and really satisfied my fried food craving.

I will try to post to my blog from my phone via text message. I don't know how it is going to look, but I am going to try it so everyone can see my results for the week right away :)

I Finally Did It!!!

I did it! I finally got up early yesterday to workout. My alarm was set for 7 a.m. and I actually didn't get out of bed until 7:45 a.m. That means I had just enough time to get a 30 minute workout in before I had to get ready for work. I stepped outside and realized how cold it was! It was only 30 degrees! Brrrr!!! So I decided to give the fitness room at my apartment complex a try. Yes, I finally did it...I ran on a treadmill. I didn't like it, but it was a lot warmer than outside! I still used Pandora to listen to music, but it was boring to look around at the same thing for a 1/2 hour.

I am up early again today, but I did go to bed pretty early. I really should go get my workout done, but I am thinking tonight sounds better. If I go tonight, I won't be home as much to eat :) and it might be a little warmer so I could go run outside. I have weigh in tomorrow morning at WW and I am excited to see how I have done this week. I have been tracking my food intake all week and I have worked out 3 times and it will be 4 after my workout tonight.

Last night, I went to an Advocare mixer. I would like to try some of the products they have to offer. Not sure that I am up to a 24 day challenge, but I think I might put in an order to try 1 or 2 things.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1st Snow

Today we had our 1st snow. How exciting!!! Not if you like to run outside! I didn't go today because it was so cold and kind of rainy/snowy. Plus, Chris was home this evening so we went shoe shopping. I need some new shoes for work. I didn't find anything I like, so the search will continue.

It was the perfect day for soup. I love the Light Progresso New England Clam Chowder :) So yummy I don't even need crackers. Tomorrow I think I will take some Chicken Noodle. There is still all the naughty stuff at work, but it looks like it is almost gone...hopefully it won't be there tomorrow. I just can't resist stuff with frosting on it! haha :)

Even though I say I can't get up early to workout, I really have to tomorrow. I won't have time in the evening and since I skipped today, I have to go tomorrow. My goal is to get at least 3-4 days in each week. So it is early to bed for me!!!

Garage Cleaning

I was to busy to post yesterday so I am doing one quick before I head to work. It was another tough, tempting day at work. There were lots of left over goodies and it was very hard to resist. Yes, I did give in. I had a little bit of a cookie cake and a little bit of these things that are like scotcharoo bars but they are made with Fritos instead of Rice Krispies. They were so good!!! So, right when I got home I changed clothes and headed out for a run. I went 2.12 miles and it took about 28 minutes. Before I headed upstairs, I went to the garage to start cleaning so I could get my car in it. I guess we are supposed to get some snow today. I spent about 2 hours working out there. Climbing the ladder and rearranging all of our junk! Someday I will get really ambitious and go through the tote boxes and get rid of stuff. Let me know if you are having a garage sale sometime and I may add to it! haha :)

Today, I was pretty wide awake at 5:30 a.m. when Chris was heading to work. There were some flurries that you could see in the street light. I guess it is November and it is to be expected. I think I was a little bit excited! I love the 1st snow. Yes, I am a little bit crazy :)  I did go back to bed until about 8:15 a.m.  Not sure how I am going to get my run in tonight because it is going to be really cold and rainy/snowy! I guess I could try the treadmill, but I really hate running on them because I feel like I am going to fall down!

As always, I will let you know how it goes or what I decide to do...brave the elements, use the treadmill or skip both and go boot shopping :) haha!