Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm a Survivor

I made it through the Thanksgiving Day feast yesterday. I didn't even go back for seconds. I had 1 piece of apple pie with fat free cool whip and everything else I had planned to eat. After having supper I came out with a total of eating 37 points yesterday which is just 6 over my daily allowance :) I will take that. It's probably the healthiest I have ever eaten on a holiday!

I survived Black Friday shopping!!! We stood in line at Target from 10:30 p.m. until they opened the doors at midnight. The line seemed to go pretty fast even though we were wrapped all the way around the building. I got ran over by a granny on a motorized shopping cart. Really!?! Good thing I had the luggage that Brenda was buying between me and her cart! After Target, we went to the mall. We didn't even park in the mall parking lot! It wasn't that far to walk. It was actually better than driving around for 20 minutes to find a parking spot. We were there by 2 a.m. and we went to a few different stores. We actually all purchased the same jeans at Maurice's. They were really cute so we couldn't pass them up. I didn't try them on and I got a couple sizes smaller than I normally do. I tried them on this afternoon and they don't fit, but they are a good motivation to keep up what I am doing. They go up, they just don't zip. I was kinda excited about the fact that I got them up over my butt!

We decided not to tailgate since we didn't get home until 5:20 a.m. I was tired!!! I was awake for almost 24 hours. I slept until 10 a.m. and woke up to a very stuffy nose. I took some cold medicine and tried to lay back down, but that didn't work so I stayed up and had some lunch. Then fell asleep on the couch while we were watching the Husker game. The nap was wonderful!!!

Tomorrow is weigh in and I have stepped on my scale and I am not seeing a difference in my weight again. I tried to make the adjustments and eat more protein and add a few more points in each day I work out. I just don't know what else to do! It is getting really frustrating and hard to stay motivated when you don't see the results on the scale. I guess I will just keep doing what I am doing and hopefully I will get over this plateau soon!

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